IFTM Idea-cation 2022 Application Form

澳門旅遊學院“創意‧薈” 2022報名表格

Click the banner above for Idea-Cation 2022 official site.
 點擊上方訪問 Idea-Cation 2022 官方網站。


日程概覽 (11月11-13日)
Programme at a Glance (Nov 11-13) 

第一天:18:30 - 21:30 | 歡迎活動及晚餐(按防疫措施而定)
Day 1: 18:30 - 21:30 | Welcome programme and Dinner (subject to anti-pandemic measures)

第二天:10:00 - 12:00 導師指導環節 | 14:00 - 17:00 與品牌代表交流環節
Day 2: 10:00 - 12:00 Mentor Session | 14:00 - 17:00 Brand Owners Exchange Session

第三天:10:00 - 12:00 準備時間 | 14:00 - 18:00 路演及頒獎典禮
Day 3: 10:00 - 12:00 Preparation Time | 14:00 - 18:00 Pitching and Award Ceremony


Event Schedule

截止報名日期延至:10 月 5 日
Application Deadline extended to: 5 October

公佈入圍隊伍:10 月 6 日後
Entry Announcement: From 6 October Onwards

入圍隊伍繳交報名費之截止日期:10 月 10 日
Application Fee Payment Deadline: 10 October

*線上研討會系列 1:10 月 22, 23 日 (每天約2小時)
*Online Seminar, Series 1: 22, 23 October (around 2 hours a day)

*線上研討會系列 2:10 月 29, 30 日 (每天約2小時)
*Online Seminar, Series 2: 29, 30 October (around 2 hours a day)

*活動日期:11 月 11 至 13 日
*Event Days: 11-13 November

*Attendance policy applies




Team Name

Team List (2-5 persons)
At least 2 base members (required)
  姓名 Full Name 手機 Mobile 電郵 Email 所屬組織 Affiliation
基本成員1 Base Member 1
基本成員2 Base Member 2
Acceptance result to be announced by Oct 2022. An application fee of MOP200 per person to be settled upon acceptance (non-refundable).
Team List (2-5 persons)
最多3位額外成員 (可選的)
Up to 3 additional members (optional)
  姓名 Full Name 手機 Mobile 電郵 Email 所屬組織 Affiliation
額外成員3 Additional Member 3
額外成員4 Additional Member 4
額外成員5 Additional Member 5

Acceptance result to be announced by Oct 2022. An application fee of MOP200 per person to be settled upon acceptance (non-refundable).

Are you qualified? Please choose one category and briefly explain your key innovative recovery strategies amid adversity in the following section. Your idea will be evaluated by our brands for qualifying before entry.


各組別特設優異獎(一名)予評分表現為最佳的團隊。各組別的優異獎得主團隊將獲得獎金澳門幣 5,000.00元。同時,各組別中所有入圍團隊在雙方同意下均有獲得與其配對品牌磋商與訂定合作備忘錄的機會。
The best team from each category receives MOP $5,000.00 as winning prize. Meanwhile, all teams from all categories may earn the opportunity of signing Collaboration MOU with our supporting brands based on mutual agreement.


Target Category (Select one only)

Choose one of the following answers

We reserve the right to re-assign team(s) to brands other than the selected one wherever suitable. Teams will be notified before entry.

# 此項為開放式策略,選擇此項之入圍組別將按照情況與合適品牌作配對。
This is an open track in which qualified teams will be assigned to suitable brand accordingly

Explain your strategy within 1000 words. Please submit in PDF or DOCX/DOC format.
Please upload one file

Terms and Conditions

1. 參加者提交的方案不得在先前其他比賽或類似活動中使用過。
All ideas and topics submitted by participants should never be used for other events previously.
. 嚴禁抄襲行為,一經發現,參加者將被取消參加資格。
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Once found, the participants will result in disqualification.
3. 倘個別團隊無故缺席是次活動所安排的日程,主辦方有權將之取消參加資格。
The Organising Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team that does not participate, without prior notice and consent, in any part of the scheduled activities.
4. 在雙方(品牌公司與參賽團隊)協議的前題下,品牌公司於活動結束後是被允許於其實際業務中採用參賽團隊於比賽過程中演示的構思及策略。澳門旅遊學院將不參與其中。
Under the premise of the agreement between the two parties (the brand company and the contestant team), the brand company is allowed to use the ideas and strategies demonstrated by the contestant team during the competition in its actual business after the event. However, IFTM will not be involved in this process.
5. 澳門旅遊學院並不持有參加者所提交之材料的所有權,惟可以在雙方同意的基礎下與參加者接觸,尋求進一步的合作可能。
IFTM does not claim any ownership of participants’ materials but may approach for participants for further collaboration opportunities on a mutually agreed basis.
6. 所收集的個人資料不會用於與本次活動無關的事宜上。
All the personal data collected will be used solely for this event.
7. 澳門旅遊學院可將參加者提交的材料納入宣傳活動中。
IFTM may include participants’ materials in its promotional campaign.
8. 活動過程中或會安排現場拍照、錄影、或直播。
There may be video recording or live broadcasting during pitching.
9. 活動結束後,主辦方將不會退還參加者提交的任何材料。
IFTM does not return any materials submitted by participants after the competition.
10. 主辦方的籌備小組成員、所邀請的顧問導師、評判及他們的親屬均不得參加是次活動,以示公允。
The Organising Committee members and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in this Event, nor are the mentors, judges, and their immediate family members, so as to promote fairness.
11. 在本次活動期間及之後,澳門旅遊學院對參加者的任何違法行爲不承擔任何責任。
IFTM does not hold any responsibility in any legal violation related to the participants during and after this event.
12. 本活動可能在沒有預先通知的情況下改變、取消或作重新安排。
The arrangement of this activity may be changed, cancelled or rescheduled without prior announcement. 
13. 倘中文和英文版本之間出現歧義,均以中文版本爲準。 
In the event of inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes.
14. 倘出現任何爭議,澳門旅遊學院擁有最終決定權。
In case of any dispute, IFTM reserves the rights for final decision.

Choose one of the following answers